
Showing posts with the label pmi

Patti Mclaughlin, The PgMP

In this episode, I have a chat with Patti Mclaughlin, The PgMP. Patti is the 862nd person to obtain the Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification out of 2770 people in the world as of February 2019.  She have a passion for the PM profession and truly loves what she does. Born in Canada and after years living on the East Coast, Patricia McLaughlin (Patti), relocated to Evergreen, CO in 2009.  Described as a global, compliance, implementation project and program manager, she enjoys mentoring and sharing industry best practices. She received a Bachelor’s degree from Towson University and earned certifications in project and program management.   To listen to the podcast click below (or one of the links at the bottom of this post) For more information about Patti take a look at the following links: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: https://www.instagra...

This email is important........but to whom

I had a long day yesterday and little access to my email, so while watching Jamie does...... I checked my mail and I found a number of emails which were marked as important so naturally had a look at those first.  To my surprise one of the mails was a list of training courses available for the coming month and my first reaction was "Why has this person marked this as important, it's not important to me." and following on from this I have been thinking about relative importance of emails. I do not, as a matter of course, use the important button unless I am sending something to my team that I want them look at quickly.  As I do not do it often the impact appears to be OK because they check the mails I send them pretty quickly anyway but this extra emphasis gets the results. When sending an email to someone who is not in my team I very, very, rarely use the important button because important is a subjective assessment.  Things that I consider important in my role may be...

How to motivate oneself

Now I have not done a lot so far, but ideas continue to flow and my notes are increasing. I have found that alternative ideas spring to mind and have gone back to a couple of my other book ideas and done some work on those. So I am thinking that the only I can get myself going is to set my self some task related goals and rewards. So number 1 is that I will write in my blog at least once per week, be it about the book or about project management in general. So this week I thought I would share a couple of sites which you may find of interest if you are interested in project management. Firstly an author in the UK who launched his book last year and has been getting good reviews and seems to be on every PM related podcast around the world. Peter Taylor has published the book the Lazy Project Manager which takes a slightly different approach to thinking about the priorities of managing projects you can find out more at Secondly the podcast where I first ...

The embryo of an idea

So I thought I would share how this idea came about and it evolved. I had been thinking of article ideas to help me practice for writing my other book and to get some feedback on my style. To get some additional benefit I thought I would target the content at project management which, if published, would allow me to claim it as a continued professional development activity and assist in keeping my PMI qualification (more information can be found here ) So while on a caravan holiday in a lovely South Wales site in Wiseman's Bridge I started putting down my ideas using a mindmap, and thought I would have the makings of a reasonable article. The thing was as I sat there with a bunch of coloured pencils and a pad the ideas start to run and the gallop and in front of me was more than enough material for an article and then I thouught could this be a book. Since then I had not done anything much with it or my other books until I read Peter Taylors book thelazypr...