
Showing posts with the label writing

The Sketches : First draft completed! Hurrah!

That's a big step forward ticking off that milestone.  Had to make a couple of decisions to bite the bullet and remove some items and keep them for a later date, killing my darlings.  Stopped myself including some last minute bright ideas too, though one or two got through. Now there is just the little task of editing, formatting for the ebook, formatting for the printed edition, cover design for the ebook, cover design for printed, deciding on the pricing, advertising, proofing the copies, wider distribution strategy.............Not much then. In other news I pushed out a survey request about what project management tools are overrated and underrated.  Take a look here an give me your thoughts. All the best, Nigel The Sunday Lunch PM Check out my Amazon  Author Page You can sign up to one of the first to read my next book, Project Management: The Sketches  here . Click here to enable the Alexa Skills -  Scrum Guide Fac...

Well it's been a while

I just checked and realised that I have not written on the blog for the whole of Feb.  Apologies for that, I imagine the anticipation of the next words to be uttered by me has been almost unbearable for you all. "So what the heck have you been doing Creaser?" I hear you cry.   You will be surprised to hear I have not been distracted by sorting through and indexing all the valentine cards I received. Or digging myself out of snow drifts.  I have actually been prioritising, wait for it! Wait for it! Yes, WRITING!. I have made some good progress into Project Management: The Sketches,  most of the raw content is now complete and I am now editing and revising. I have also been poking at the cover design, will be putting some mockups to get your opinion on what looks best to you. In other news, at the end of January, I reverted When I Were a Project Manager back to 99p rather than free and in the background been working on the paperback version w...